There are no BAD Foods

Here’s your Food for Thought: Food isn’t bad OR good.

While you’re still scratching your head trying to figure that statement out, know you are not alone. When I first heard this statement, I had to stop for a bit and consider all sides of this idea. Surely there are bad foods out there! I think we can all name at least a few right away. But by bad, most of the time we are referring to overly processed foods. Foods full of that perfect combo of fats, carbs, and salt that melt in our mouths. Foods with added chemicals and preservatives, slowing our digestion. Foods that create an emotional connection. I mean you really shouldn’t have gotten me started. (whoops!)

Yes, we all know what foods feel “bad” for us.

Here’s the problem with labeling foods as “bad”.

When you label foods as “bad” it may seem like a great way to avoid them, but in reality, it’s just the opposite. Foods are not inherently bad. Whole foods from the earth are the only true foods. In Western culture especially, food is processed with added preservatives, chemicals, and even toxins to make them cheaper and easier to produce. Understanding what foods serve your body the best is the first step to finding balance.

Next, when we label food as bad or good, we tie shame and an array of emotions to what we eat and that is a quick way to a downward spiral. You can create an incredibly negative relationship with food overall with this mentality. It often creates an all-or-nothing mindset. You say to yourself, “I blew it! I had ______, so now I might as well have the whole box, bag, etc.” 

Rather, if we create our own continuum of food and change our language, we start to create a healthy relationship with food overall. That’s where true change begins. Ideally, there are foods we EAT MORE, EAT SOME, and EAT LESS.

Take a look at these resources below. (Thank you Precision Nutrition!) Note: Most people eat meals and not macronutrients (proteins, fats, and carbs) but this is a great way for you to see how your meals are broken down.

If this all feels overwhelming or maybe you want to learn more & determine the specific meal plan that’s best for your body and current goals, that is something I offer with 1:1 Coaching.

Many have asked what else I do besides offer a nutrition plan. What is 1:1 Coaching? With coaching, you are getting access to work with me through the actual process of determining how to change your nutrition and lifestyle. Anyone can get a plan online, or even from another professional, but it’s applying it and making it work in your current day-to-day that creates change. That’s not easy to do without guidance. In our coaching sessions, I help you tailor your nutrition plan to your lifestyle and preferences. I also help you recognize triggers, thought patterns, and habits keeping you from lasting change.

If you are intrigued at all, it’s worth a discovery call. Apply here! Then, while you wait for your consultation, you can read more about it in this FEATURED blog post. OR determine what kind of food mindset you have here.

Here’s an example of how I’ve changed my mindset around the theory that there are no BAD foods:

I LOVE M&M’s. Like, I can't have them in the house LOVE them. Why is that you ask? Because I have been known to eat them until I am physically sick. I will tell myself that since they are normally off-limits, I’ll just finish them off in the moment so I’m not tempted later. Hmmmmm…does that really make it a better choice? Instead of eating a few, I am eating 5x a serving, making myself sick, throwing off my blood sugar levels, messing with digestion, and ruining that night of sleep. Not exactly what I was going for.

When I have a few and stop there, I am savoring them more, and move on. Since I love chocolate in general, I have a continuum of options that will allow me to enjoy that sweet bite post-dinner without all the mental fatigue of decision remorse! Plus, better quality dark chocolate contains less sugar, has no additives, and even some health benefits. It satisfies the craving with a small bite too! So now, I don’t crave those M&Ms and even though I know where I “hid” them in the house, it’s not even a thought that crosses my mind. It’s not a battle. If I want a few, sounds good. But most days, I just break off a few small squares of my dark chocolate and I am SATISFIED! 
Now it’s your turn! Make your food continuum here and see how much more freedom it allows you to have in your day-to-day. 

This week’s Tasty Twist- Chocolate Nutty Bites

Click here to SNAG this recipe and find that balance. This recipe will help you establish a better relationship with indulgent foods.

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Cheers to a life.simply.balanced,

Jenni Sills

Click here for more information about my 1:1 coaching.

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