Life. Simply. Balanced
Life. Simply. Balanced
Eat 30 of these & Your Gut will THANK YOU
Your gut microbiome has millions of bacteria, all of which thrive on the diversity of nutrients from nature’s medicine cabinet: fruits, veggies, herbs, and fungi. Micronutrients provide the body with more than we give them credit. I call them nature’s medicine cabinet for a reason.
5 Nutritional Practices to improve your gut health
I’m sure you’ve heard that your gut is the second brain of your body and not only is it true, but when your gut is imbalanced, the rest of your body is too. Learn 5 practices you can take to improve your overall gut balance and overall health today!
Which Diet Should I Choose?
If you find yourself on a diet roller coaster, choosing one diet after another, maybe it’s time you started thinking about the food you eat differently. I coach my clients to choose a nutrition plan that works for their current lifestyle, preferences, and needs. Learn how you can do the same!
There are no BAD Foods
Surely there are bad foods out there! Yes, we all know what foods feel “bad” for us. Maybe not right away, but soon after, we always tend to regret those choices. Here’s the problem with labeling foods as “bad”.