Which Diet Should I Choose?

I get asked this question all the time: “Coach, which diet should I choose?”

And the answer is simple: The Diet that works for you to get you closer to your goals AND that you’ll stick with!

I don’t prescribe to a one size fits all methodology. There are a plethora of diet styles out there, some better than others of course, but all can work to help you achieve your goals. So how do you know which one to choose?

  1. First of all, don’t approach it as the word DIET can lead us to act. Restriction, extremes, and 14-day detoxes are out!

  2. I like to use the term, Nutrition Plan, rather than a diet. A Nutrition Plan is adjustable. It allows for flexibility and real life. It can be changed based on your circumstances, budget, and time constraints. The key difference is that you learn how to move through the plan as life changes from day to day.

  3. Keep in mind that like any diet, you can stay from a nutrition plan. So what makes a nutrition plan different? It all boils down to how you choose to look at it. The lens of a short-term fix is a diet. The lens of choosing the route, while a bit longer, will create lasting results and a renewed mind. That’s a Nutrition Plan.

In my lifetime, I’ve tried many diets:

  • Special K

  • Weight Watchers

  • Beachbody

  • Low Carb

  • 1200 Calorie Diet

Luckily, I’ve finally learned to choose Nutritional Plans that work for my body and goals in whatever season I am facing. So when I was struggling with gut issues and needed to focus on gut healing first, I found that a Paleo Nutrition plan worked best for my goals. I was able to eat in that style for almost a year solid! Eventually, I eased out of the more strict protocols as I started to feel better. I had created a lifestyle and realized I could reintroduce some foods without pain or inflammation. I didn’t crave many of the foods that were hurting me before.

I’ve tried Arbonne’s 30 Days to Healthy Living Program as an occasional gut reset. Since I had already created this style of eating, the program wasn't a diet for me because when I finished the 30 days, I could maintain the program at about 80%. It didn’t feel extreme or restrictive to me.

Currently, I take what I’ve learned from the Paleo Nutrition Plan, Arbonne’s 30-day supplements like protein, gut health, and fizz sticks, and combine that with my current Nutrition Plan that focuses on high-quality proteins and healthy fats and limits my carbohydrate intake. Why might you ask? Throughout my fertility journey, I have researched and discovered that my body type prefers healthy fats over carbs AND that healthy fats optimize my hormones. Since that is my focus and priority while we work hard to improve my fertility, that is how I choose to eat.

That doesn’t mean that I preach that carbs are bad or everyone should eat like me! I help my clients learn to listen to their bodies and understand what their bodies need. Along with what our bodies need, we consider what we like and our food preferences. If you currently are eating mostly carbs, asking you to eat how I eat, or even a Keto diet, would be completely ludicrous! It wouldn’t be sustainable.

So what diet should you eat?

None! Choose a nutrition plan that you will stick to and that helps you live your life AND reach your goals.

Here are some ideas of where to start. Consider your preferences and lifestyle. How much time do you have to prep, cook, plan meals? Do you like to cook? Where is your starting place? What do you eat now? How could you make minor adjustments to follow one of these plans better?

If you need more help getting started, take a look at these Nutritional Plans to see which one fits best for your life right now.

If you want to dive deeper into YOUR SPECIFICS and learn not only what foods to eat that work best for you but how much, and build better habits to create a lifestyle and finally ditch that diet mentality, I am now offering Nutrition Plan Consultations! You can purchase your consultation here and I’ll send you everything you need to get started before we meet. OR you can reach out to me first with any questions and I can help you decide if this is your best next step! Either way, you win!!

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Cheers to a life.simply.balanced,

Jenni Sills


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