Inside A strategy session

What’s it like working with me? What makes working with me, a PN1: Certified Nutrition Coach, different from getting a Nutrition plan from somewhere else?

(and yes, you can find them on Pinterest!)

TAKE OUT THE GUESSWORK: When you work with me, your nutrition plan is based on not only science, but all the other factors that make up the deep health of your life. ( Stressors, work, Community, habits, mindset oh, experiences and so much more.)

Like I said before,  you can access a nutrition plan pretty much anywhere these days.  Who is to say if it's the right plan for your body type, your tendencies, and the current factors of stress, lifestyle, community surrounding your day-to-day choices. Jumping on the bandwagon of a fad diet because your friends are trying it and having success does not necessarily mean it will work effectively for you.

CREATE A LIFESTYLE:  I do not recommend diets. If you have a preference to a certain eating style, we take that into consideration as well as the rest of your life when making decisions and next steps. Most of my time spent with my clients is not on what to eat, when to eat, & how much to eat. Sure! I definitely give those recommendations and guidelines. But I also help you understand what you’ve tried before, what doesn’t work for you, and help you determine what actions and habits are best to help you get the results you’re aiming for. Oftentimes, the ideas are so simple that work best, but we overlook them because we assume, “It can’t be THAT easy!” But it really can be simplified. 

My philosophy is to create a Life.Simply.Balanced. That means you will learn how to enhance your health within components of your life; especially mindset, sleep & recovery, mindful eating, and exercise. 

If you want to know what diet style you do tend to lean towards, take my quiz here.

CREATE SYSTEMS OVER OUTCOMES: Will you reach your goals? Absolutely! But I will help you see what systems you need to dial-up or down to get there. Focusing on those systems will help you not only reach your goals but sustain those results for a new lifestyle and mindset that works for you. You’ll have wiggle room and not feel that you have to be chained to a diet forever - that’s why they don’t last. They are unrealistic.

If you’ve been thinking about finally making true change and taking your health seriously, please reach out to me. You can complete a quick initial form here so I can learn more about you. Then I’ll be in touch to set up your complimentary Discovery Call so we can chat face to face and see if working with me, a Health Coach, is the RIGHT next step for you. 

Cheers to a life.simply.balanced,



There are no BAD Foods


What Kind of Dieter Are you?