What Kind of Dieter Are you?

It’s so easy to get stuck in a rut when it comes to dieting and let’s be honest - DIETS DON’T WORK! They just don’t. If you’ve taken even a minute to check out what I offer, you will find out quickly that I don’t teach, encourage or coach diets. I coach lifestyle nutrition plans. This is a combination of deep health: the food you like and are willing to eat & that nourishes your body + stress management + fitness + mindset + habits + community…you get the picture.

I used to be a dieter and relate mainly to the All Or Nothing Diet Mentality (more on that later) and while it would get me going, it would just as easily come to a crashing end. It was exhausting mentally and physically.

I decided to find a SUSTAINABLE way of life that helps me feel good and enjoy it! That matters to me. So GRAB a piece of paper and pencil and write down your answers. There is a scoring guide at the end (no cheating). Test your personality and let me know what style you found…the next steps will be clear.

What’s Your DIET STYLE?

  1. When you find yourself off track from your ideal weight, shape, or state of health, what is your go-to response?

    a) Go with the latest trending diet/plan

    b) Go back to what you’ve done before because it’s familiar

    c) Do a bunch of research first

  2. Looking back on your fitness choices, do you typically

    a) Bop around from gym to gym based on the season of life you are in and what is trending

    b) Stay loyal to a gym no matter if you continue to attend classes or see results because the staff is friendly

    c) Pin a bunch of workouts on Pinterest but don’t try many of them since you aren’t sure if they will work.

  3. When you think about eating healthy, what comes to mind first?

    a) I really want to try cooking, but life is so busy so I’ll start when I have more time

    b) I have a few go-to recipes that I can make, but they get old quick

    c) I am inspired by so many good reels, recipes, and ideas but it’s all so overwhelming

  4. You’re going out with friends for an evening out. You just started a new diet so you,

    a) Look at the menu ahead of time and force yourself to stay strictly to the one item that fits in your plan. You spend the night grumpy and in agony considering all the possibilities.

    b) Decide to PAUSE your diet for the night…it’s just a night after all…but then feel so guilty for getting off your “plan/diet, etc” that your initial pause ends up lasting days or even weeks.

    c) Initially plan to go and make modifications, but at the last-minute feel bad about “cheating” on your diet so you bail and stay home.

  5. What is your number one reason you are not currently living the healthy lifestyle you wish you could?

    a) It feels too hard to maintain at the level you want to be.

    b) You don’t think anything works for your body. You blame it on genetics and accept it as is.

    c) You aren’t sure what that even looks like.

Time for your results:

If you answered:

Mostly A’s - you are an All or Nothing Dieter

  • The ALL or NOTHING DIETER- You figure if you can’t go all-in with something, then why bother!  (that was me! I see you!) You like to give YOUR BEST in ALL you do and there is no point with partial, halfway, or mediocre.
    When you are cognitively rigid, i.e. all or nothing, you stunt progress because you are constantly pausing your life waiting for perfect circumstances. There will never be a perfect time to start. Choosing to start during a mess is…well messy, but it’s when you utilize a coach (*ahem) or even a tool such as a dial (moving your efforts up and down based on life’s circumstances) that you can stay the course. Doing that will help you breakthrough that plateau you’re facing and finally create a healthy lifestyle that works for you - no matter what the circumstances. 

  • You will be teaching your brain to be FLEXIBLE which helps deflect tendencies like emotional eating, pressing pause, and negative self-talk.

Imagine if: you didn’t feel the pressure of being perfect and having it all figured out, but learned to trust yourself, know the foods that work for your body and lifestyle and finally find food freedom!

Mostly B’s - you are a LightSwitch Dieter

  • ON and OFF, again & again. 

  • This is like that one person you tried to get rid of but they keep coming back convincing you that they deserve to be in your life. So you take them back despite all your history that screams “DON’T DO IT!!” and find yourself back with the same problems. Only now you’re even more annoyed and hurt because you’ve invested more time (maybe even money) and you are starting to feel that maybe it’s you. That’s the main job of this style of dieting by the way - to make you think YOU are the reason it never works out. 

  • The reason you most likely find yourself in this situation is that you’ve never tried something that has worked before and/or you have some negative self stories that tell you that no matter what you do, it will never work. So you start so you can say you TRIED and quit because….(fill this in with a million different excuses.)

Look, it’s not you! You are not the problem. You are the SOLUTION. But it takes work, understanding yourself AND the science behind your unique beautiful self and your needs takes work. (Again, that’s where I come in!)

Imagine if: you could learn to PAUSE your nutrition plan for an event or one special meal without all the guilt or worry that it would throw off your progress.

Mostly C’s - you are The Researcher

  • Overly cautious and always looking for just need a little more information before you begin. There is plenty of research out there to tell you the pros and cons of ANY diet you choose. That’s because we are unique individuals and there isn’t ONE diet that is RIGHT for everyone. You have your own DNA, preferences, lifestyle, skills, and more that make certain food choices better for you than others. 

  • So what do you do? DITCH the fad diets altogether, and start with something simple. Drink more water, walk 15 minutes a day, and trade one meal out for a home-cooked meal. THEN, hire a coach! Let the trained and certified professional do the research for you. (*ahem) Then you can focus on what you need to do: find a lifestyle that keeps you healthy and allows you that freedom you’re looking for. 

Imagine if: you could take the stress of choosing the plan off your plate and focus on the actual work and actions to see the progress you desire, knowing it was RIGHT for you, right here, right now.

Where do you go from here? Take the opportunity to discover more about yourself and what Health truly means for you. I can help you uncover more of what’s holding you back from living out your healthiest life now.


Inside A strategy session


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