The Skinny on Fiber

Here’s your Food for Thought: Are you staying “regular”?

Oh yes, I totally went there!

The number of people who tell me this is their number one concern is quite alarming! Look, I know we don’t like to talk about it, but if you’re feeling stopped up you are not getting enough fiber. That means your digestion is slower, causing:

  • gut imbalances

  • bloating

  • brain fog

  • and even more fat storage!

Your gut is second in command after your brain. So if it is out of alignment, most likely these other crucial components of healthy living are too:

  • Insulin levels

  • Balancing hormones

  • Regulating emotions

  • Boosting immunity

  • Fighting pathogens

  • Clearer skin

And so much more!

Fiber is so crucial to a healthy diet. So start by adding in some of these fiber-licious foods and see how much better life flows for you!

(Chia seeds, Apples, Broccoli, Artichokes, Kidney Beans, Oats, Kale, Black Beans, Brussels Sprouts, Popcorn, Pears, Raspberries, Cacao powder, Chickpeas, Lentils, Beets, Avocados)

FOCUS FOOD: I’ll BEET you to the punch and share why I’ve fallen in love with beets!

I couldn't help myself. I love beets, but avoided them for the longest time! I had never tried them, but it took me up until about 5 years ago to start incorporating this beneficial food.

What makes beets so beneficial? They are known to (be):

  1. Anti-inflammatory

  2. Energy-boosting

  3. A great source of fiber

  4. Regulate blood pressure

  5. Improve athletic performance

  6. Help with healthy digestion

  7. Support brain health

  8. Help balance energy intake

So if you try one new veggie this year, beat that bad attitude and give BEETS a try! 

Here are 5 ways you can enjoy them: 

  1. ROASTED - I love roasting them at 400 degrees in foil for an hour. After cooling, the skin just slides right off under cold running water! Slice them up and they are ready to add color and nutrients to any house salad you make. Or you can try this salad: Honey Roasted Beets and Carrot Salad

  2. SMOOTHIES - Add ⅓ cup to any berry smoothie you are making. It will add vibrant color and is a great way to sneak them in for picky eaters alike.

  3. HUMMUS - Great with plantain chips or veggies

  4. BEET CHIPS - these are on my list to make this week! Super simple and a great way to get that crunch you crave without all the carbs!

  5. PICKLED BEETS - so good in salads and wraps!

This week’s Tasty Twist- Smashed Brussels Sprouts

Try these SMASHED BRUSSELS - You’ll never want them any other way!

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Cheers to a life.simply.balanced,

Jenni Sills

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