How Do I Know If I am Eating Enough Protein?

Protein, protein, protein. I'm sure you've been told at some point in your adult life that you need to eat enough protein as part of a healthy lifestyle. You might be thinking, “What exactly is the right amount and do I actually have to weigh it out, or count calories and macros?” The answer is a resounding NO! You don’t have to do those things, but I do have a great way for you to become more accurate in your understanding of how much you’re consuming and if it’s enough for your body’s needs.

Before I explain how to gauge how much you are getting so you can stay on track with your goals, I need to explain why protein is so crucial.

Protein is the macronutrient that when consumed from quality sources, becomes the building block of our bodies. The amino acids from protein will actually help to repair DNA and build muscles and tissue in your body. Not only does protein help your body thrive, but when you eat enough protein, it will send chemical signals to your brain to let you know that you are full! 

INCREDIBLE RIGHT?!! Say goodbye to those excess sugar cravings!

This is my favorite aspect of protein. I absolutely have felt this difference in my life and I can tell you spot on the days that I have not consumed enough quality sources of protein, or just enough protein in general, because I feel more intense sugar cravings throughout the day, and especially struggle to resist all forms of chocolate after dinner! Have you been there?!? While it may not be a chocolate craving for you, it could be something savory like a bag of chips or pretzels, or simply anything that brings you guilt. Foods that are highly processed or have artificial sugars and sweeteners, do not give us those chemical messages that we are full and that's why it's so easy to overeat these foods!

I've lost count of the number of clients who will come to me and say that by switching the main macros of their breakfast to include higher quantities of protein and healthy fat, as opposed to a carb-focused breakfast, they have fewer cravings throughout the day. So instead of a breakfast sandwich or toast, they have portable egg cups with avocado or cheese. These swaps help them to build in fullness cues first thing so they are able to connect with those fullness cues at lunch and dinner as well! Better yet, they aren't snacking as much through the day trying to feed their constant hunger. Rather, they realize that snacks are not as necessary on average. Generally speaking, they begin to consume less food without having to count any macronutrients or calories or track. Just with this one change, they are able to combat other habits they've been trying to avoid! It’s a confidence booster for sure!

So how much protein does the average woman need?  Well, this is clearly a subjective question because many factors come into play:

  • Age

  • Weight

  • How active you are daily

  • Fat loss vs. muscle gain

  • Hunger cues

All of these factors will determine how much protein is right for you.

However, one thing I always recommend for every client is that they aim to get a serving of protein with every single meal, and make that the star of the show! Furthermore, it's important to note that if you do still feel hungry and need a snack in between meals, which is completely acceptable, focus on eating protein and/or healthy fat, especially if there are carbs included in your snack. Those carbs alone will give you short-term energy, meaning that you'll see an energy drop as soon as 30 minutes for up to an hour and a half after you consume those carbs. But if you “dress up” your carbs, with a healthy fat or a protein, or both, your energy and focus could last you upwards of 2-3 hours!  That’s a winning difference!

Carb-heavy snack at 3:00 pm - hungry by 4:15 pm - could lead to mindless snacking before dinner

Protein/healthy fat-focused snack at 3:00 pm - hungry around 5:30 pm - Dinner my friends!!

So what exactly is a serving of protein? I go into depth about how I help my clients gauge their macronutrients with a method called hand portions. To catch you up, a serving of protein is about the size of your palm or about 20-30 grams. 

I have all of my clients start with 4 servings of protein a day. That means at least 1 per meal and 1 through a healthy snack, post-workout meal, or even added portions to the main meals of the day. Then, as we get more specific with your unique goals and body composition, I can help to tailor this amount for your specific needs. It’s such an effective program and helps to take away the stress and shaming that can come with counting calories. It simplifies food for you!

I offer Nutrition Consultations! With this plan you get a personalized and in-depth nutrition program, education to go along with it, AND a 30-minute call with me to answer any questions and set goals! This is a no-brainer and something you should check out today!

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Cheers to a life.simply.balanced,

Jenni Sills


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