What Do You Do When Resistance Stares You In the Face?

A few weekends ago I was interviewed on a new podcast. This time it was with someone I had never met before and it was in person. I had heard him on another friend’s podcast, loved his story and what he was about, and his business, so I thought, I’ll apply to be on the show. Turns out his podcast studio was only 30 minutes from my friend Natalie in Virginia so we planned a girls’ weekend with a little business on the side. However, as the date approached, I found myself looking for excuses not to go. Resistance was kicking in at its best. I looked at the weather forecast and saw that there were possible bursts of high winds on the day I was driving up and actually considered bailing. My friend was feeling busy and overwhelmed and I actually tried to give her an out. “I don’t want to add more stress to your life by my being there. We can reschedule if you need.” 

But I knew deep down that both reasons were just well-dressed excuses. That my fear was truly holding me back. I drove up to see her and had not only the best catch-up time with her which was rejuvenating and relaxing, but I got to grow my business and build my confidence through doing hard things. Turns out, I had a blast on the Podcast show too!

One of the biggest complaints I hear from women about any CHANGE in their life is the challenge it takes to keep up new routines. Sometimes the challenge comes from a poorly thought-through plan, but rest assured it also comes when you are making the right choices, in the moment. In fact, RESISTANCE seems to rear it’s ugly head the MOST then.

I think it’s safe to say that if you try a crash or fad diet with little or no thought, you will lose momentum because oftentimes those are not created to be sustainable. Your reason for making that change could also be superficial.

But what about the times when you gave it everything you had? You prepped, set aside time to truly but effort into small meaningful changes, and yes, even saw the positive change and results you were hoping for. They why do I hear from so many women that they just don’t stick with it?

Enter LIFE: unexpected bills, car lines, traffic, a meeting that went longer than expected, a child who isn’t having it, a rude encounter at the store, imbalanced hormones, etc. etc. All of these examples are ways that RESISTANCE shows up in our lives. Resistance can come in the form of busyness making you think that everything else is more important that your goal. This leaves you constantly putting off starting or picking back up the habits and practices you know that serve you best. 

How might you recognize RESISTANCE in your life?

  • It can look like a true crisis or pivotal change derailing you and shaking you to your core. Thus leaving you frozen in time, afraid of change. 

  • It can be procrastination at its best - always waiting until the last minute and never truly benefitting from your full potential. Always half in and halfway out. 

  • It can be a well-dressed excuse - meaning there is a logical need that comes first, but instead of finding ways to integrate progress towards your goal, it’s put on pause. So often we try and go AROUND obstacles instead of THROUGH them. Why? Because it feels easier at the moment. But the easier way isn’t always in fact easier. It can add to the resistance you are already feeling or take you further away from your original goal. It can completely blindside you to what you were originally focused on.

  • and worse of all, it can come in the form of fear. FEAR - False Evidence Appearing Real. Think of it - when you really want to make a positive change, that change alone is out of your comfort zone. It is easier to stay stuck in a lifestyle, at a weight, or in a job you don’t like than it is to take the first step and then another towards change. It’s easier to bow out when you hit the unfamiliar because at least in your old lifestyle, weight, job, you know what to expect. 

CHANGE IS HARD! We often don’t realize that we would rather stay STUCK where we’re at, even if it's a place we despise because it doesn’t require change. But is that really where you want to be?

So how do you combat resistance in all of its many disguises? 

  1. Acknowledge it in the form that it appears. Do you hear yourself saying, “ I know what I need to do, but I just don’t do it!”? If so, that’s resistance, my friend.

  2. Set aside 20-30 minutes to spend time writing out your priorities and how you spend your time. Do they align? If not, make the necessary changes. So if you say you want to eat healthier, but you are constantly going through the drive-through, create a plan to start cooking at least 1 meal a week at home. Maybe that’s dinner time, or you can easily prep breakfasts without too much stress. Start there. Tell resistance who’s boss!

  3. Create a continuum for your goal. Not every day will be a 10. I share more on this topic in my post about tuning your dial up or down depending on the day/week.

  4. Grab an accountability system. Someone to report to, even if it’s just yourself if that will work. But I recommend having someone else who can support you too. Someone to check in, encourage, motivate, and keep you on track. 

As I continue to be upfront and honest,  if this were easy to do, it would be mastered already?!?! Even as a Certified Nutrition Coach, I too have to continually be intentional about the lifestyle I want to create and seek guidance from my own coach. As life changes, our goals, time constraints, preferences, and even priorities change. Our hormones and bodies change too! So what used to work, might not work as well any longer. More importantly, we were not meant to figure this out on our own. That’s where I come in! 

I have created a course that beautifully marries the accountability, knowledge, creativity, and mindful system that helps you create a healthy lifestyle that you LOVE, and want to continue and helps you build the skills you need to maintain it well, no matter what season shows up. 

A healthy lifestyle should not start and stop. It should not be implemented only when you have a small season of nothing else standing in your way! Furthermore, it's about time you stopped feeling guilty over making that dreaded “choice” over and over again. Whether it's going through the fast food drive-thru because dinner wasn't planned ahead, or you find yourself standing in front of the pantry mindlessly eating peanut butter-filled pretzels while trying to figure out what you can scrape together for dinner since you didn’t get to the grocery store this weekend.

I am not sure if you've heard, but I have created a program called FoodWise: Freedom Formula. This is a 9-week individualized coaching program set in the format of a self-guided course! After running this program with 2 different cohorts, I’ve found this is the best blend of accountability and individualization. During the 9 weeks, you will learn more about how to implement 5-minute actions that build better daily practices to help you cultivate the automated skills needed to embody that women who exemplify the healthy lifestyle that you desire. 

When you finish the course you will embody: 

  • CONFIDENCE-  in not only what to eat, but how much to eat for your body and goals. 

  • ENERGY/FOCUS/CLARITY - you will create systems to help you become efficient with the tasks you like the least but know are crucial to your success. Plus, you will feel better from the energy you gain by letting go of the confusion and implementing the freedom formula in your day-to-day life. 

  • BALANCE - finally you will learn how to view life on a continuum and take the pressure off yourself from unrealistic expectations. You will learn how to move the needle forward without stopping progress completely or feeling like you missed the mark. 

If this RESONATES WITH YOU at all, you’ll know because most likely you’ll feel a bit of resistance. That’s a good thing. Lean into it! Allow yourself to recognize that you are READY for lasting change!

You can learn more about the program here. Space is limited as I customize this coaching program and work with each client individually.

I can’t wait to connect with you!

Have you Checked out THRIVE: Fertility and Hormone Health Blog


Have you Checked out THRIVE: Fertility and Hormone Health Blog 💕

Cheers to a life.simply.balanced,

Jenni Sills


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