Cold Therapy

One of my new favorite ways to activate my metabolism, combat insulin resistance, and increase my energy was NOT my favorite for a long time. In fact, I resisted it. You might be thinking, “Jenni, you’re not selling me on this here. 😂 I feel ya! I had a hard time because I knew it would take me out of my comfort zone, the comfort of being warm that is.

COLD WATER THERAPY is proven to improve your metabolism, energy, immunity, circulation, and reduce inflammation! So even though I don’t like being cold (it’s just for about 60 seconds a day, so I had to make myself get over it) the benefits far outweigh my wimpiness 😂.

When I started weaning myself off almost ALL caffeine, I needed another way to wake up and feel energized in the morning (besides a good night of sleep). This was the determining factor. My husband has done a cold burst at the end of his showers since I’ve known him and I would say he does a solid few minutes. For me, I started with about 3 deep breaths and then worked my way up to 60 seconds.

The key is to control your breathing, and continually build up your tolerance. Just a few weeks of trying this and I no longer had to convince myself to do it. In fact, I went from 3 times a week to daily now AND I almost crave it…almost. But again, the benefits outweigh the cold.

The best part is that it is FREE, super quick, and always makes me warmer when I step out of that shower too.

So give it a try and if you want to learn more about cold therapy, I highly recommend listening to Shawn Stevenson’s Podcast - The Model Health Show: How to Utilize Cold Therapy to Burn Fat, Reduce Inflammation and Build Confidence

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Cheers to a life.simply.balanced,

Jenni Sills


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