Uplevel your life

As I sat down to reflect on 2022 and set goals and intentions for 2023, I found myself in an odd space. This last year was so full of growth and change that as I looked back, I realized I had truly UPLEVELED my life. The version of me now at the start of 2023, is an improved version of Jenni at the start of 2022.

  • I didn’t need to sit down for hours debating between the best next steps for a workout plan - I already know what to do and have been doing them consistently for months.

  • I didn’t need to look over the research again for the best nutrition plan for my health goals, because I’ve put in the work and know how to dial up my nutrition to feel my best.

    • Better yet, I was able to maintain about 80% of my healthy habits and lifestyle throughout my travels and holiday season. I didn’t ever feel off balance - if I had a more indulgent meal or even day, I knew how to get back on track easily without force, obsession or fear.

  • Best yet, I didn’t have tons of thoughts of self-doubt, or worse, self-loathing for enjoying holiday treats and sweets. This last year I have spent hours working on letting go of old stories that don’t serve me, negativity, and doubt. I don’t claim to have it all figured out, but I am more aware when those thoughts creep in and I am much quicker to dispel them or reframe them.

On top of my work with my nutrition and fitness, I have poured out hours of time and even invested in myself as a coach so I could better serve you! Whether it’s through these blog posts, my emails, free workshops, and my paid courses and coaching, I always want to ensure that I am offering the most current information, advice and updated science on nutrition for you. I would expect nothing less from someone I invest my time in and know you should expect the same from me.

So what next steps should you take to UPLEVEL your health - to look back a year from now (whenever you’re reading this) and recognize that you are a different version of yourself? Maybe that person is more consistent with their habits, or less hard on themselves and extends grace more often. Maybe that person is leaner, stronger, faster, or more focused.

Whatever that UPLEVELED version you are imagining is possible. But you have to put in the consistent work now to get there. Here are 3 recommendations to help you UPLEVEL IN 2023:

  • Invest in your health. Look at all the places you spend money and see where you can cut back so you can invest in a bigger program like a Nutrition coach (😉), personal training sessions, that course you’ve been wanting to take on ______, etc. Seriously! Look at how much you spend for all of the automated payments and subscriptions. Re-evaluate your priorities. Most likely if you want to see change, you will have to sacrifice something - time, money, extras. If you align what you spend your $ on with your priorities, you will see a world of difference!

  • Read or listen weekly. Set aside time each week (ideally 30-60 minutes) to read or listen to a podcast on an area of self-improvement. Change is the only way we will see growth and up-leveling. Challenge your mind and paradigms even! Become a part of a group or mastermind to expand your knowledge and learn from others too. If you are looking for a few good places to start I recommend:



  • JUST START - it can be so overwhelming to think about all the changes you want to make over the next year. Start with one small habit or practice and track that for a few weeks. Set alarms and reminders or have a tracker to help you remember to stick with it. If you want to know what I offer to help you learn to build up consistency with your habits, change your mindset and help uplevel your life, reach out to me so we can chat. I would love to talk to you to offer YOUR best next steps!

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Cheers to a life.simply.balanced,

Jenni Sills

Click here for more information about my 1:1 coaching.

To learn more about my favorite healthy living product line click here.


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