Tune your dial

Summer is pretty much here! (depending on where you live that is) but regardless it’s most likely on your mind. And what do we LOVE to do in the summer? Travel, explore, attend BBQs, and well, most social engagements tend to center around food. 

Here is a helpful tool for you to utilize when you are working on finding a better balance. 

  1. Plan ahead: Do you know your go-to meals, snacks, and swaps that keep you on track with your goals but also are easy on the go?

  2. Dial your nutrition and workouts up or down depending on your week. Spend some time this week to consider what a 10 would be for your fitness vs. 1. Take a look at my examples and then make your own. 

My Exercise Dial:

“10” week of workouts is 6 -days a week

3 days of Strength Training - plus 15 minutes of walking

2 days of HIIT - plus 30 minutes of walking

1 day - an hour+ long walk or wilderness hike

“3” week of workouts is 3-4 days a week

Mostly focused on at least 2 strength workouts, plus daily walking and 1 HIIT workout

“1” week of workouts is walking daily

Even though I have a goal lifestyle, my 10, I have a plan for when life gets too busy to add in longer workouts. I can PIVOT so much easier and stay on track. It helps me to not feel discouraged and fall into the shame game.

Studies show when we PAUSE our work towards a goal, we stay stuck on that roller coaster track. However, with just 10% effort, (and while I don’t recommend just 10% effort most of the time, it is necessary some days or even seasons) you can see that participants still lost weight, body fat and were able to continue to see progress. 

Look at these results! Women who stayed even 10-49% consistent still lost an average of:

  • 11 pounds

  • 6% body weight

  • 11 inches total

  • 3 inches from the waist

ALL in one year. And that’s without much effort!

NOW is not the time to say, “I’ll start when…”

The REALITY is that Fall, Winter and Spring are all busy seasons too. Learning how to dial your efforts and assess what your body needs most will help you create a sustainable and flexible lifestyle with your fitness and nutrition.

So if you would normally say an ideal (10) day for nutrition is that you have your meals prepped and ready to go, GREAT. What’s a (7) day or a (3) day look like for you? Have options that don’t make you hit that PAUSE button or give up on your goals. Know that having a plan is way better than just hoping it will all work out! 

Schedule some time NOW to create your Nutrition and Movement dials!

If you’re not sure about how to start, this is one of the first things we cover with Nutrition Coaching. I have 2 plans that I am offering now and would love to help take the guesswork out of your health decisions. Book your complimentary discovery call! I’ve got you!




You definitely want this treat! Click here to get the recipe!

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Cheers to a life.simply.balanced,

Jenni Sills

Click here for more information about my 1:1 coaching.

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10 Healthy Swaps


Reframe 🖼