10 Healthy Swaps

FOOD for THOUGHT: Choosing more nutritious foods doesn’t have to be HARD, complicated, or BLAND.

I’ve been working on Ditching and Switching not just my habits, but brands for a decade now and I can tell you that not only do I have so many options to choose from, but I don’t miss the old brands or ways I used to eat. So check out my TOP 10 list and give 1 or 2 ideas a try this week!

  1. Start with your sauces and condiments.

    • Make sure they don’t contain added sugars, artificial sweeteners, corn syrup, or canola oil! Yep, you heard me right. All of those ingredients can be found in cheaper brands.

  2. Try a SMART CARB instead of processed carbs.

    • swapping out sweet potato toasties or wedges (see recipe below) is a great way to begin

    • opt for whole-grain sprouted bread instead of highly processed white or even wheat bread

    • try a protein-based pasta or rice or even opt for zucchini noodles from time to time.

    • look at the ingredients. The fewer the better.

    • See all my smart carb option switches above.

  3. Start with protein and healthy fat first.

    • Protein and healthy fats fill you up and tell your brain you are full. So even if you are enjoying your carbs, (never said avoid them) you will be almost full by the time you get to them and naturally consume less.

    • If you want to know more about how this process helps to rebalance your hormones, blood sugar and reduce cravings, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND you get my online course: Eating for Happy Hormones. I DIVE deep into these concepts to help you feel confident of what changes you need to make for your body. You can enroll here.

  4. Drink more water!

    • more to come on this NEXT week, but start by going for at least half of your body weight in ounces of water daily!

  5. Choose Organic when you can!

    • Conventionally grown crops are sprayed with glyphosate and the harm it can do to you and your body is just not worth it. Use a service like Misfits Market and save up to 40% on your produce (and more!).

    • If you can’t get them all, try the dirty dozen. The Dirty Dozen should always be purchased organic and the Clean Fifteen have the least amount of pesticide residue so you can go ahead and grab those conventionally grown.

6. Choose Grass-fed, organic, and humanely raised meat.

  • Conventionally raised meat is fed so much crap! If the livestock eats it, you’re eating it. Plain and simple! One study I read about shared how conventionally raised cows were fed candy…in the wrapper to fatten them up quickly to make a quicker profit! It’s not worth it. Pay the extra few bucks! It tastes so much better.

  • We get most of our meat monthly from Butcher Box. (get $30 off your first box)

7. Go organically DARK! Dark Chocolate that is.

  • You don’t have to stay away from chocolate altogether. Just stop going for the super cheap brands. Why are they cheap!? Because they have artificial sweeteners and highly processed ingredients.

8. Make your own sweet treats.

  • When you put the effort in to make something sweet, with clean ingredients, you just savor it more and eat less. Check out some of my recipes here.

9. Ditch the fast-food lanes and Cook at home!

  • So many meals you’re getting from fast food are not only lacking serious nutritional value, but have so many hidden add-ins.

  • They are also often cheaper and not that complicated to make at home. Plus you get to be in control of the quality of ingredients.

  • Save your meals out for nicer, better quality (quality time too!)

10. Grow your own food.

  • If I can do it, you can do it! I started with tomatoes and herbs on my little apartment balcony in Texas. Last year was the first year I tried my hand at more and one thing I will tell you is that you learn as you go. Some crops will flourish and others won’t at first. There are tons of apps and resources out there its too easy NOT to try! Plus, a salad fresh from the garden, or fresh roasted veggies taste so much better from your own soil.

While these tips can seem overwhelming at first, just choose one. Create your 5 Minute action now to get started!

This week’s Tasty Twist: Sweet Potato Wedges

Click here to get the recipe!

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Cheers to a life.simply.balanced,

Jenni Sills

Click here for more information about my 1:1 coaching.

To learn more about my favorite healthy living product line click here.


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