Try This Instead

Food for Thought: Carbs aren’t the enemy. As a macronutrient, they don’t make you fat.  In fact, they are one of your body’s most direct sources of energy. It's the quality, quantity, and time of consumption that makes all the difference. 

So how do you know what’s right for your body? 

INTRODUCING SMART CARBS: “Smart carbs” are carbohydrates that are higher in fiber and nutrients such as vitamins and minerals. They add value to your body and improve your health, digestion, waistline, and performance. (precision nutrition)

“Smart carbs” include:

  • fruit (fresh or frozen)

  • starchy tubers such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, Jerusalem artichokes, yuca/cassava, taro/tapioca, etc.

  • other starchy fruits and veggies, such as plantains or sweet winter squashes (e.g. Hubbard, butternut, buttercup, kabocha)

  • whole, minimally-processed grains (such as quinoa, brown or wild rice, slow-cooking oats, buckwheat, sprouted grains, etc.)

  • beans and legumes

Not so smart: Refined carbs

Refined carbohydrates, on the other hand, are low in fiber and nutrients.

You’re less likely to feel full or satisfied when you eat a lot of these. Plus you’re missing all the nutrients…and guess what your brain craves? NUTRIENTS! So it signals for you to eat more, which let’s be honest, we’ve all done at times, and then not only do we overeat, but you’re more likely to feel low energy or experience more extreme mood swings. 

Refined carbs include foods like:

  • pastries, such as cakes, cupcakes, and muffins

  • cookies and bars, including almost all packaged snacks, even if they’re marked as “healthy” nutrition bars

  • sweetened cereals, including granola

  • sweets, like candies, chocolate, etc.

  • sweet drinks, like fruit juices, soda, and other sweetened drinks (including sports drinks)

  • sweetened dried fruits, like raisins, dried cranberries, banana chips, dried dates or figs, etc.

  • . . . and pretty much anything that’s processed, and comes in a bottle, bag, box, or takeout container.

To feel best, save these foods for special occasions, like dessert after a fancy restaurant meal, or a slice of cake on your birthday. Then, eat them slowly and enjoy the indulgence.

Simply Stated: 

More fiber and nutrients + whole foods = more value. Smart.

Less fiber and fewer nutrients + processing = less value. Not so smart.

If you want MINDFUL EATING AS A WAY OF LIFE, then you should be adding value to your meals. (nope…not a value size or happy meal either!) 

So how can you start to swap out your carbs for SMART choices? Think of carbs on a continuum. Some carbs you have more often than others. When you can, swap out the occasional foods (refined) for SMARTER CHOICES. 


  • Instead of white bread - try a sprouted whole grain bread.

  • Instead of white rice - try quinoa or even cauliflower rice.

  • Instead of flour tortillas with added seed oils - try an Egglife wrap, sprouted whole wheat tortilla, or cassava flour tortilla. 

  • Instead of half your plate of sweet potato wedges - try half your plate with roasted veggies and ⅛ of the plate is sweet potatoes. Portions make a difference too. 

Finally, if you are trying to enjoy your SMART carbs but still feel like they aren’t getting you to your goals try these practices:

  1. Eat your protein, fats, and veggies first if you can. Then your carbs. The fiber in the veggies will help to break down the carbs better. Plus eating protein and fats first will help you feel fuller. 

  2. Eat the majority of your carbs mid-day so your body has time for that added movement to use that energy it’s giving you. 

  3. Want them with dinner- go for a 20-minute post-dinner walk. It’s a great way to continue to get your metabolism moving. 

What SMART carbs are you adding to your meals? Comment below!

This week’s Tasty Twist: Enchiladas -

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Cheers to a life.simply.balanced,

Jenni Sills

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