My #1 STrategy for getting results

Here’s your Tuesday Tip: Eat until you’re 80% full! 

Say what?!?!

Look, I grew up trying every fad diet out there. Low-fat, low-carb, high-protein, etc, etc. I could quickly tell you what is NOT going to work no matter what AND what strategies will offer results if you STICK with it. In other words, you make it a lifestyle. However, since we all have different DNA, preferences, lifestyles, etc, there is no way I can claim one nutrition plan or diet as the BEST plan for everyone. And thank goodness for that: we aren’t robots! When you TUNE IN to mindfulness & apply this principle, you will soon discover that you find lasting results.

Want to know what this groundbreaking strategy is?!

Eat until you are 80% full.

Yep! That’s the key. When we stop and pay attention to fullness cues, we are most likely going to recognize when we’ve had enough to eat. Most people will eat until they are 100% or even 120% full because they eat so fast. By the time their stomach and brain finally communicate, it’s too late. They’ve already consumed more than their body actually needs. 

How do you eat until you are only 80% full?

  1. Slow down by putting your fork down between bites. 

  2. Avoid distractions while eating (like TV or electronics) 

  3. When eating in groups, force yourself to eat with the slowest eater or even watch the clock and make sure you’re eating for at least 20 minutes. 

  4. Think of conversation starters to give you a reason to PUT THAT FORK DOWN.

80% Full

5. Wine taste your food - pay attention to flavors, textures and aromas. Truly enjoy your food.

You are more likely to eat less and enjoy it more! It’s a win-win!

Just starting with one meal (choose the one that will be the most successful) and even one strategy above, you will be amazed at how much it challenges your norm. You will also most likely feel full before you’ve finished everything on your plate. 

How does this work? How does it lead to results, especially if we’re not talking about actual food choices yet?

Simple. You consume less! You become aware of your fullness cues so when you do indulge, you don’t necessarily overdo it every time. You are in control!

Have you ever skipped a meal to then scarf one down as soon as you had a chance? This is when we overeat. But if you’ve trained yourself in this habit, your body will give you cues to slow down. You’ll feel a HUGE difference! When you’re eating to 80% full, it’s not that you will feel hungry all the time. I find it to be the opposite actually. The truth is that most people overeat on a daily basis. This method alone begins to help you understand what your body needs to thrive. It will be hard to overeat that bag of chips or sleeve of Oreos because you are in tune with your body’s cues. It’s harder to overeat when you are truly in tune with your body and know what it feels like to be 80% vs. 120% full. So give it a try and let me know how it’s going!

This week’s Tasty Twist - Curried Chicken Wraps

Curried Chicken Wraps

Head on over to my recipes to snag this delicious lunch!

Cheers to a life.simply.balanced,

Jenni Sills

Click here for more information about my 1:1 coaching.

To learn more about my favorite healthy living product line click here.


Chew your Food