a Simple Solution to Getting a Habit Started and Sticking with It


Ahh…the rollercoaster of building new habits and STICKING with them. If you are there right now or maybe don’t EVEN bother anymore because you don’t see the point, you’re not alone!

When it comes to healthy nutrition habits and practices, finding ones that stick can be overwhelming. I NEVER recommend to clients to do it all at once. In fact, I have them choose the area they feel is the easiest. Yep, you heard me, the easiest, so they see success and can build upon it for lasting change.

Take the number one goal I get from most clients: I want to lose weight. Oftentimes it’s weight post-baby, or as they enter a new decade. They start off motivated and think if they do the following all at once, they will get fast results: (and they aren’t wrong)

  • go to the gym 5-6 days a week for an hour of cardio each time

  • meal prep all weekly meals

  • get rid of all the sugar in the house

  • stop drinking alcohol

That works for about 2 seconds until you realize you are in over your head. Or maybe, you get into a groove for a few days, even a week but then life hits! Your kids don't wake up in time, your alarm doesn't go off, you're stuck in traffic, you forgot about a meeting you had and have to rush out the door, and the list goes on.

Have you taken my quiz yet to determine your dieting type?


Have you taken my quiz yet to determine your dieting type? 〰️

The immediate reaction to these unforeseen circumstances is usually an emotional reaction. You are less able to REACT to it thoughtfully if you don’t have a plan in place. 

Emotional eating is one nasty habit I have to combat at times and almost everyone I work with as well. Society tells us to, especially these last few years. 

Had a bad day? - Drink a glass of wine!

Kids are misbehaving? - Give in and eat an indulgent meal. 

Busy lifestyle? - Grab takeout. 

I am not saying that all of these things are to be avoided at all costs. In fact, they are all things I've done and sometimes I think are really important to find balance. But when we use it as an excuse to cope when life is hard, stressful, or the kids just won't stop fighting, it truly becomes a way of life. And that shows up in our energy levels, how our body looks, performs, and even on a deeper cellular level.

When you are on a path to making better habits for yourself, a lack of preparation to understand your triggers, AND have a backup plan can easily be the thing that sets you off, back into that roller coaster spiral. 

So what’s the Solution?

Choose a 5-minute action. It’s simply that - an action that takes 5  minutes or less to do and can keep you from REACTING and allow you to RESPOND instead.

Ex: something triggers you emotionally and you want to go grab some ice cream from the freezer when you know you are full, it’s late and you should just go to bed. INSERT a five minute action:

  • Drink 8 ounces of water first. 

  • Journal

  • Scream into a pillow

  • Dance it out

Ex: your alarm goes off at 4:55 am. You promised yourself that you’d workout today, but its dark, you’re tired and just don’t want to. You know you have no other time in the day to workout (hence the early alarm):

  • Set your alarm on the other side of the room so you have to get out of bed. Then you’re up and…

  • If you set out your workout clothes the night before, you can get dressed for your workout before you have another second to consider crawling back into bed. 

  • Grab an accountability partner to meet you at the gym so if you bail, you’re not just bailing on yourself but them too. That usually helps. Text them to let them know you’re up and on your way.

I love this strategy because it works. Its simple. And there are so many options for all types of personalities and people alike. 

It’s time to STOP with the excuses and do yourself and your future self a favor. If this resonates with you and you’re thinking more structure, ideas and collaboration would be the KEY to helping you finally step off that roller coaster once and for all, there is hope. This is what I do best! I help my clients with their nutrition of course, but the reasons behind our choices and a toolkit for success are what help them even crave those healthier foods.

A healthy lifestyle doesn't have to be stressful, complicated, or exhausting. Take a moment to contact me here to see if 1:1 coaching is the right next step for you!

This week’s Tasty Twist: Strawberry/Cherry Crumble

It’s Strawberry Season! Click here to get the recipe!

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Helpful? Comment, Share & Subscribe! 〰️

Cheers to a life.simply.balanced,

Jenni Sills

Click here for more information about my 1:1 coaching.

To learn more about my favorite healthy living product line click here.


Reframe 🖼


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