Breakfast - Why it Truly is the Most Important Meal of the Day

Food For Thought: Did anyone else’s grandma, mom, aunt, or best friend’s mom tell you that breakfast is the most important meal of the day? I grew up hearing this all the time! Turns out - they were right!

Nowadays there's so much confusion on what to eat for your first meal of the day, when to have it, or if you should skip it. Not to mention that society tends to over glorify a busy schedule, often leading to the mindset of, “I don’t have time for breakfast, let alone a healthy one.” So, the most important meal is often skipped - only to leave you wondering why you’re so irritable and feel more inclined to make poor food choices throughout the day.

Here are some truths, backed by science, that will hopefully shed some light on why I NEVER skip this most important meal.

  • Breakfast doesn’t mean one specific time of day. For most of my clients, they eat their first meal between 8-10 am. If you are truly utilizing intermittent fasting as a way to burn fat and you understand how it’s working for you, you still have breakfast. Breakfast by definition means: to break a fast.

    Break+Fast = Breakfast. So for some people that is a 12-14 hour window, while for others it's a 16 to 18-hour window.  The goal is to make it at least that 12-hour window so your body truly has time to fully digest your last meal. This will help you feel better, regulate hunger cues better, and help to eliminate stored fats. 

  • Having a quality breakfast decreases satiety hormones throughout the day. The best way to do this is to start off with a protein-packed meal, with added healthy fats and veggies. If mornings are insanely busy for you and the thought of adding anything to that schedule overwhelms you, I can honestly tell you that getting up 10 minutes earlier is well worth the benefits throughout your entire day so you can grab something packed full of nutrients, fiber, protein, and healthy fat.

    • My go-to breakfast is a full meal protein shake. I love Arbonne’s protein because I feel it’s truly the best tasting out there (and I have tried so many in my time!) AND it has added vitamins and minerals. It fills me up when I add healthy fat, fibrous veggies like leafy greens, organic pumpkin or beets, organic berries, a dash of cinnamon and so many more fun combinations, I am full for hours!

    • My other go-to breakfast is this week’s TASTY TWIST: Egg Bites. No not from Starbucks (ones I can make easily on Sunday or a 30-minute window throughout the week. Again, the easier you make it for yourself, the better. Check out the recipe link below.)

    • The key aspects of these combos:

      • Keep me satiated for 3-4 hours

      • Helps to regulate blood sugar levels

      • Are simple and satisfying

      • Are cost-effective!

    • It’s time to look realistically at excuses holding you back.

      • Time can no longer be an excuse because these take less time than driving out of your way to order food elsewhere.

      • Cost can no longer be an excuse because the average Arbonne protein shake costs about $4 with my added ingredients compared to about $10 from the average smoothie bar (not to mention that I’m sparing tons of added sugars that are thrown in at these places). One serving of egg bites costs less than $3, compared to the $4.45 that you pay at Starbucks.

  • If you want to get started on the right foot, make sure that your breakfast is high in protein and healthy fat,  and lower in carbohydrates. Especially the processed kind like cereal, bagels, pancakes... you get my point. Every once in a while, go for it! But especially during the work-week, when you need the energy and focus, stick with your first meal being full of protein and some healthy fats.

The reason I recommend breakfast to all my clients is for true regulation of hormones, digestion, hunger and to help them function their best throughout the day. You don't have to be a Master Chef, or have a ton of money to make this simple switch.

Make yourself a priority and start your day off right. 

I created this file for all my favorite ways to start the day…and few other tasty treats!

If you want to zoom in on the recipes more, use this link for easier viewing.

This Week’s Tasty Twist: Egg Bites - Protein on the go!

Click here! Your breakfast recipe awaits!

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Cheers to a life.simply.balanced,

Jenni Sills

Click here for more information about my 1:1 coaching.

To learn more about my favorite healthy living product line click here.




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