The Reason You Can’t Seem to Curb those Sugar Cravings

If you’re feeling stuck by a sugar overload in your life, you’re not alone. So many of my clients tell me they want to “kick that sugar habit”. And it doesn’t surprise me with the way marketing works today. Not to mention the way sugar works.

Think of your favorite indulgent treat. Can you picture it? It most likely has that perfect combo of fat, salt, and sugar. While these 3 ingredients are not stars by themselves, the combination of them (in your favorite brownie, candy, chips,  donut, etc.) makes it so dangerous! Not only does it create that perfect bite, but without the nutritional value your body is searching for, your brain tells your body to keep eating as it needs those nutrients. So you keep eating and the cycle continues. 

One study found that the Average American consumed 90 grams of added sugars daily OVER the daily recommended amount (25 grams). That’s 77 pounds of added sugar a year! (1) That’s a HUGE problem! So many of those added sugars can be avoided and you’ll find that when you reduce your added sugar intake, your bloat, brain fog, digestion issues, the risk for autoimmune and other diseases, and body fat DECREASE. 

MORAL of the STORY: If it melts in your mouth, be careful. That is where the trap begins. Remember, I still believe food is not good or bad, but there are simple switches that are not only lower in sugar, but other inflammatory ingredients, taste better, and are also better companies to support.

Join the WAITLIST NOW! This 3-day Workshop will help you understand how food plays a bigger role with your hormones and has the power to change the narrative in your body. If you are feeling the effects of hormonal imbalances like extreme fatigue, brain fog, hot flashes, mood swings, unexplained cravings, or belly fat that won’t see leave no matter what you do, this is a great opportunity for you! JOIN THE WAITLIST NOW!

Realistically, how do you reduce your sugar intake:

  1. Pay attention to triggers - are you an emotional eater? Pay attention to your cues so you can become aware of events that lead up to overeating. Then…

  2. Re-evaluate the foods you consume and have in your home - go through your pantry, fridge, and freezer. If there are trigger foods, ditch them! It doesn’t mean you can’t have them ever, just don’t have them readily available. 

  3. Slow down your eating & Chew your Food - yep! Aim for 20-25 chews per bite! It will break down food better, help your digestion, and slow the eating process - helping you feel fuller faster!

  4. Swap out one processed food a week - you don’t have to change it all. Seek to understand the brands you consume. 

  5. Eat fiber-rich foods first! Why? Fiber fills you up! (Hint: almost all processed foods are lower in fiber vs. whole foods that are fiber-rich.)

Be kind to yourself - you’re human. You will slip up or even find yourself falling into old routines at times when life takes a quick twist. Give yourself grace and start fresh the next day.
 Hire a coach to help you transition into these habits easier. This is mainly what I help my clients with - the mindset and habits around habits that leave us saying: “I know what I need to do, but I just don’t do it!”

2 next steps you can do for yourself:

  1. Take my QUIZ on your diet mentality and determine some next steps for you.

  2. Check out what it’s like inside a STRATEGY SESSION with me during 1:1 coaching

  3. Reach out to me for your discovery call to learn more about how this process could benefit your life and FINALLY get you saying, “I know what I need to do and I do it often!”

This Week’s Tasty Twist -Taco Tuesday with Homemade Pico and Guac!

(1) Eat Smarter, Shawn Stevenson

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Cheers to a life.simply.balanced,

Jenni Sills

Click here for more information about my 1:1 coaching.

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