Sleep Your “Weigh” to Weight Loss

If you read my Top 10 Tips to Beat Holiday Burnout last week, then you might have found yourself rolling your eyes at numbers 6 & 7. Rest and sleep! Those seem to be the first things to go in a busy season. Ironically, they should be the FIRST thing you prioritize, and for more reasons than you might think.

Here’s a recent article sent to me from Precision Nutrition on research conducted by the University of Chicago. 

Getting more sleep might help you eat less without even trying, according to new research from the

In the study, the scientists collected data from 80 young adults—with a BMI in the “overweight” range—who slept less than 6.5 hours a night. 

Then they divided the participants into two groups: One that got individualized sleep coaching—to improve the length and quality of their shuteye—and one that didn’t.

The result: On average, participants who received the coaching added 1.2 hours of sleep a night—and ate 155 fewer calories per day than they were before the experiment. (The other group actually increased their daily calorie intake.)

Put another way: The participants cut more than 1,000 calories per week from their diet by simply sleeping a little more. 

That’s meaningful progress—and it required zero intentional eating changes.

Besides eating less, the participants told the researchers they felt more alert, with a better mood and higher energy level.

Those are benefits that can translate to making wise food choices, having fewer cravings, and getting in more daily movement. Win-win-win.

Maybe now you’re thinking twice about cutting out sleep? Grab a FREE guide to creating your own sleep routine here and begin to make small changes that will leave you feeling rested, improve your metabolism, decrease sugar cravings and help you gain confidence in your journey to a healthier you!

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Cheers to a life.simply.balanced,

Jenni Sills

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10 Tips to Beat Holiday Burnout