The Power of Play!

As you’re reading this article, I am likely poolside in Jamaica sipping on something fruity! This is not to brag. In fact, I was going to wait to post any blogs until after my trip, but I decided that my intentional time of “PLAY” was something that needs to be shared.

I recently listened to a Ted Talk from Cathleen Price entitled: “Why having fun is key to a healthier life”.

If you don’t have time to watch it just yet, here is the gist:

  1. Fun is energizing!

  2. Fun makes us present!

  3. Fun unites us!

  4. Fun makes us healthier!

  5. Fun is Joyful (Happy)

So how do you work on implementing FUN into your daily lifestyle?

  1. Reduce distractions to keep in flow. (Did you listen to my review of taking a 48-hour phone fast?)

  2. Increase connection by interacting with others in real life. Put your screens down people! Maybe try this challenge: When going out to a meal with family or friends, put your phones in the center of the table. The first person to give in and check their phone pays the entire bill!!

  3. Rebel! Increase your playfulness!

  4. Prioritize it! If you’re like me and love to work, I’ve had to learn to schedule breaks and yes, even fun. Now I know that when I don’t have my phone on me I am more present and enjoying my time better, I tend to leave my phone behind when I can and let my husband take the photos. Or at least put my phone on airplane mode. It’s amazing how much it’s increased my fun!

So give it a try this holiday season! Boost your health by having more fun! I dare you!

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Helpful? Comment, Share & Subscribe! 〰️

Cheers to a life.simply.balanced,

Jenni Sills

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