Immune Boosting Foods

I am asked all the time what foods to eat to help boost immunity and support a healthy gut. When you are starting to feel under the weather or have symptoms of a scratchy throat, exhaustion, runny nose, congestion, or even brain fog, avoid running to the medicine cabinet first. I am not a doctor so I am not here to diagnose or cure anything, BUT I do know that nature has its own medicine cabinet that EVERYONE has access to and is much more cost-effective in the long run. The bonus: by incorporating immune-boosting foods in your regular diet, you can prevent frequent doctors visits, where they usually just tell you you’re sick and to though it out, and you save money, time and stress by avoiding the need to make that visit more frequently.

From my research and experience, the common cold is your body’s way of telling you that you are lacking nutrients and sleep and/or your stress levels are too high over a consistent amount of time. That is why these are my top 3 tips to do immediately when you feel a cold coming on:

  1. Drink up - Water that is! Ideally half of your body weight in ounces. Continue to help your body flush out the toxins it’s trying to purge while also giving your body what it needs. If you’re not a fan of plain water add some fresh lemon to it or try berries and cucumbers.

  2. Slow down - your body needs rest more than anything so it has the proper time to heal. I swear my mom used to always tell me to go to bed and get extra sleep when I was starting to come down with something. She would say, “Sleep and you’ll feel better in the morning!” …and 9 times out of 10, she was right! Sleep is when your body repairs itself and if you’re not getting enough of it, it will take longer for you to feel better. Trust me, there is no event or email that truly can’t wait for you to feel better. You will be more efficient if you are healthy.

  3. Stock up on nature’s medicine cabinet. Add the following immune-boosting foods into your daily diet and you will help your body fight for you. It’s your best defense*

So here are my top foods that I incorporate on a weekly basis to ensure my gut has the disease-fighting, immune-building, and strength that it needs to feel my best.

*these statements are not made with any intent to cure disease or fully prevent illness. These foods are meant to improve your immunity.

  1. Green Leafy Vegetables, such as spinach, kale, and collard greens are known to have high levels of vitamin C, antioxidants, and beta-carotene - all of which help fight infection. All three of the greens mentioned above a great to cook down in stir-frys or even a breakfast scramble. Try them in my egg cups for a simple and easy on-the-go breakfast. If you need more ideas besides your typical salad - although I love how good a salad makes me feel - especially mid-day, try my smashed Brussels for a side with your dinner this week! And if you need a go-to salad, try this one! You can incorporate another immune-boosting food with it too!

2. Wild or Organic Blueberries - This are a daily treat in our house! We love to buy a HUGE bag of wild blueberries from Costco! Put them on top of yogurt, in smoothies, or just enjoy a handful as a snack. They are packed with antioxidants and nutrients that are always a win for your immune system!

3. Turmeric - (along with ginger and garlic) have long been considered foods that help to fight infection and reduce inflammation. Use these foods with immune-boosting properties in your cooking year-round. Add them to stir-frys, soups and truly most savory dishes. They really add a lot of depth and flavor. We also love to take a turmeric supplement from Paleo Valley. It’s an added boost when I can’t add them to my cooking.

4. Soup/Bone Broth - Homemade soup is a fabulous way to incorporate more vegetables into your diet so you’re getting a variety of nutrients and vitamins in each bite. But there are also so many gut-healing properties of bone broth. Bone broth has immune-fighting amino acids (the building blocks of your body) - this is always a go-to in our home. Try my Meatball Minestrone Medley! It will easily become a family favorite!

5. Citrus - fruits such as oranges, grapefruits, lemons, and limes are high in vitamin C, which you have figured out by now is proven to be an immune-building property. Try them as a snack, throw them on a salad, or squeeze them to make your own juice! My favorite are Blood Oranges or Cara-Cara oranges. Not too sweet or too tart. Give them a try for sure!

6. Wild-caught fish - Salmon, mackerel, and tuna are known to increase activity among your white blood cells to fight infection. Fish oil also has a high amount of Omega-3 fats which your body needs to support your immune system as well as your brain, hormones, and gut. If you are looking for a solid fish-oil, I use this one from Full Well Fertility but Pale0-Valley also has a great product too!

7. Mushrooms - full of Vitamin D, which many Americans are lacking big time. Having an adequate amount of vitamin D is critical for immune function. And during the winter months especially you need to supplement the vitamin D you are not getting from the sun. Adding mushrooms to soups, stir-frys, pasta dishes and more is a great way to include them in your diet. Make sure to use a healthy fat like grass-fed butter, ghee, or avocado oil when cooking these as they are better absorbed with a healthy fat.

Not a fan of mushrooms?! I’ve got you covered! I love Arbonne’s Vitamin D and K2 Spray because it is fat soluble, tastes great and easy to add into your daily routine.

Which of these immune-boosting foods are you adding to your grocery list today?

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Cheers to a life.simply.balanced,

Jenni Sills

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