Why I don’t Count Calories

I have a little secret

I don’t count calories. In fact, I don’t even count my macros. (If you’re not even sure what those are, do not worry, I’ve got you covered!) The best part is I am still reaching my body composition goals and my clients are too! Whether you want to feel better in your body, lose weight or see some muscle definition, you can use a system called “Hand Portions” to make sticking with a plan more manageable, feel like your life doesn’t revolve around food choices, and see results.

As you can see, it’s easy to get bogged down in counting calories or points even. It can create food shame, be time-consuming, and really off-putting. But here’s the simple truth; you have to track anything when you’re making a change if you want to ensure you’re making progress.

I know that can sound conflicting. “So I’m not supposed to count calories, but I should still have a tracking method?”
I have found a simpler way to help my clients track what they’re eating, without all the stress AND they get real results! Plus it’s a system that creates automated habits, routines, and go-to meals. It takes away the stress and doubts that you’re on track. Eventually, they don’t need to track because they intuitively know what to do and if they feel like they are falling out of habit, they can easily reassess and stay on track.  

We all have hands and they are proportioned to our bodies. So using hand portions makes it easier to live your life and start to eat more whole foods as you recognize how they benefit your body. 

So how does this work? Generally speaking, women need 1-2 servings of each macronutrient per meal (with 3 meals a day). While I can’t promise results with a general prescription, I can tell you that even beginning to understand how much you are consuming of each macronutrient is the first place to begin. If you’re consuming more of one over another, you can make adjustments and see how that works for you.

But wait, I thought you said, I don’t have to count?!? Exactly! You are not looking at labels with hand portions, but ideally whole foods, and starting to understand how those foods fill you up! It’s not meant to be perfect at first, but a good starting point.

This system works because you learn to VISUALIZE the amounts and types of foods your body needs to function efficiently. So when you are out and about in daily life, you can grab a meal and still know if you’re staying on track without seeing how many calories there are and knowing how many you have left for the day. Sure you still have to track per meal, but what I love about this system, as do my clients, is it REFRAMES the way they view their meals. They start to feel fuller with more veggies and protein on their plate. They don’t feel guilty enjoying a carb because they have learned to make smarter choices and swaps and automate healthier cravings. TRUST ME, a few weeks of tracking your portions and you’ll feel so much more comfortable and confident with your choices.

Take this meal for example. It’s a delicious Burger Bowl from Paleo Running Momma. You can break this down with hand portions to create the balanced meal that you need! Get the recipe here!

So let’s take a look at what each macronutrient does for your health:

Protein -

  • Builds up lean muscles.

  • Your organs, tissues, and muscles are made of protein.

  • Satiates and helps to burn fat better. 

Fat -

  • Hormones are made of fat so you need healthy fats to help regulate them

  • Helps with fullness cues

Carbs -

  • A direct energy source. Be careful here though. Ultra-processed carbs will give you quick energy but you’ll hit a low just as fast.

  • Aim for smart carbs.

Then we have MicroNutrients - those vitamins and minerals that come from Veggies: Aids in smaller bodily functions

  • Promotes alertness

  • Provides energy

  • Builds immunity

  • Strengthens bones and muscles

  • Improves vision

  • Enhances your gut microbiome - which is the 2nd brain in your body

So where to begin. Start to familiarize yourself with each hand portion above.

Protein = palm

Fats = Thumb

Carbs = cupped handful

Veggies = Fist

How does this work? Your hands are proportionate to your body! Bonus, you take your hands everywhere go (hopefully 😉) so you don’t have to whip out a calculator or your phone to figure it out. You can begin to visual how much you are actually eating.

Aspects to consider:

  • Carbs are the easiest macronutrient to go over. We tend to prioritize them as they are the easiest to consume on the go and what our body craves when we aren’t eating consistent meals. Fruits count as carbs too, but are a way better option than goldfish crackers or pretzels if you’re looking for a snack. Stick with whole grains, sweet potatoes, and high-fiber fruits to get the best bang for your buck. 

  • Proteins and healthy fats will fill you up more so eat those first as well as sneaking in a veggie with each meal as the fiber in the veggies will help you break down your carbs! SCORE!

  • Start looking at just one meal. Maybe dinner. See if you can portion your plate to ½ plate of veggies, ¼ protein, ⅛ fat, ⅛ carbs.

If you want to take a DEEP DIVE into a SPECIFIC Nutrition Plan for your health goals and needs as well as the coaching that goes with it to get started, that is what I offer with 1:1 Nutrition Coaching. Click the link below to schedule your complimentary 15-minute consultation.

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Cheers to a life.simply.balanced,

Jenni Sills

Click here for more information about my 1:1 coaching.

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