The Best foods to Eat to create hormone balance

Create Hormone balance naturally

Here’s your Food for Thought: You can choose foods that help balance your hormones! Knowing what to eat and even when can help you feel better. What would it be like to live with fewer hot flashes and cravings, feel more relaxed and calm, and finally feel confident in your body and that the choices you are making for a happy and healthier you are WORKING?!

If you missed my LIVE workshop in May, DO NOT FRET! Maybe you saw it but were not sure if you even have hormone imbalances, keep reading. Matter of fact, if you are a woman between the ages of 25-65, you should keep reading too!

As a nutrition expert, I see so many women eating without any thought as to how food plays a role in their hormone balances. In fact, digging deeper there are so many other life circumstances that can cause imbalances with our hormones as women that have been overlooked for far too long. It’s time to create change! You heard me right. You get to create it! Isn’t that beautiful?!

As a Nutrition coach, I get asked questions like these:

  • Does it really matter what I eat? 

  • Why can some women seem to eat whatever they want without ever gaining a pound while I just look at food and instantly feel bigger?

  • My friend is doing Crossfit so I decided to join too. She seems to have no fat on her body, so that should work for me too, right?

  • My mom and grandma are built this way so I should just accept that this is they my body is genetically speaking, right?

  • I’ve been doing everything I can think of to lose this belly fat, but it won't come off. I even only eat 1200 calories a day so why isn’t it coming off?

  • My anxiety and moods swing crazily out of control for half of the month and I can’t seem to curb any cravings when I’m near my cycle. Does food play a role in this too?

  • I can’t seem to sleep well no matter what I do? Do the foods I eat impact my sleep?

To answer all of those questions briefly, YES!

The foods you eat, how much you sleep, the products you use, the thoughts you think, your exercise programing, and your stress levels ALL impact your hormones. 

While that may seem overwhelming and daunting, there is so much hope. You don’t need to rely on medicine solely, or at all, to finally find balance within your body. I am living proof of this. 

While my husband and I are still working on conceiving our first baby, we were told by the doc that I had less than a 5% chance in my lifetime to get pregnant. As I approach 40 years old, it feels like the clock is ticking so LOUD. But as I continued to make the lifestyle changes I share with you in my course, and worked on loving my body, changing my workout routine, reducing stress, and sleeping better, I was able to change how my body responded to insulin. While I am a fit and athletic woman, my body was responding as if I was insulin resistant. In other words, it was storing blood sugars and carbs as FAT instead of using them for energy. With consistent efforts, I was able to change how my body processed and used sugars! How do I know!? I was able to push through that weight loss plateau I had been sitting at for months, lose a few pounds, and more importantly, lost body fat AND KEEP IT OFF! The looser skin around my mid section is much firmer now and I feel more like myself again. In fact, I was able to get a cycle again after 102 days! That’s a change I was able to make through my lifestyle changes. AND YOU CAN TOO! No matter what you facing, you can FEEL BETTER. I am not saying this is a medical plan to follow or will treat more server issues you may be facing, but the scientific data is out there that your quality of life will improve. And that is a HUGE WIN!

While I go into GREAT DEPTH in my self-guided course on all aspects of DEEP HEALTH that impact your hormones, I also wanted to share some with you here too.

Here are some topics to consider if you know you have hormone imbalances and want to gain a better understanding of what your hormones need to function properly. 

  1. Not all calories are created equal

    1. I eat an average of 2000 calories a day  - that's my specific plan based on my goals, targets, activity level, and body’s needs - you get this with any of my coaching plans as well as the guidance on how to approach it without triggering any food shame, fear or feelings of being overwhelmed. 

    2. When you undereat and/or focus on calories alone, not the makeup of the “food” you put in your body, you are missing the bigger picture of mindful nutrition and what your body needs to THRIVE! Don’t you want to THRIVE instead of SURVIVE?!?

    3. Undereating will stimulate a fight or flight response and your body will assume it needs to hold on to storage. 

  2. Your brain needs nutrient-dense foods, fats, and smart carbs for energy. Without them, you will experience more highs and lows in blood sugar levels, feel fatigued more easily AND more likely experience extreme mood swings throughout the month. 

  3. Your hormones are made of fat. This is why you need healthy dietary fats to help them function best.

  4. Your gut microbiome, brain, and hormones are all connected. If your gut (your second brain) is fighting pathogens, trying to process artificial junk, not to mention chemicals that were sprayed on your food and personal care products, it can’t communicate properly with your brain and hormones. That's when you see autoimmune disorders, thyroid imbalances, increased anxiety, hot flashes, scalp and skin irritations, and more. 

  5. You have the power to change how your hormones function within your body. It takes the following:

    1. Awareness

    2. An action plan

    3. Tracking small changes 

    4. Stacking those practices to see consistent results

    5. A positive attitude throughout and trust in the process

If you allow yourself to experience this program and work with me, I can guarantee that you will come out the other side already feeling better from the inside out AND feel ready to continue making progress towards feeling your BEST. 

The BEST part of this course is that you gain lifetime access for ONLY $27! Pretty incredible if you ask me! But better yet, I am now offering personal coaching alongside your course for a month if you want to add that on while you go through the program. Essentially we would meet for a strategy session so I can learn more about your current situation, goals, and roadblocks and help you create a plan to go through the course. 

We would have weekly check-ins to see how you’re doing with the content AND I would not only provide you with a customized nutrition plan for your hormone-based needs but guide you through other areas of deep health in your life that could be causing imbalance. 

No matter what you decide, know that I am cheering you on. Because friend, life is so much better when you feel your best! It has a positive ripple effect on every area of your life that is the best reward you could ask for.

If you’re ready to reduce cravings and stress levels, while sleeping better, feeling calm more than anxious, finally push past that weight loss plateau that you’ve hit, and SO MUCH MORE, now is the time to take action. 

A summer salad featuring peaches, blackberries and a secret ingredient.

This week’s Tasty Twist: Summer Salad

Can you guess the secret ingredient that makes this bright summer salad shine? You don’t want to miss this easy summer salad!

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Cheers to a life.simply.balanced,

Jenni Sills

Click here for more information about my 1:1 coaching.

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