Going Back to Basics

The best athletes, singers, dancers, and even public speakers had to start with the basics. And in fact, they have to repeatedly go back to the basics to remain at the top of their skill.

This picture was snapped over a decade ago when I was entertaining a crowd at a school fundraiser.

🎶 I used to sing. A lot! I took voice lessons for well over a decade and performed all through my school years winning awards and just having a blast. While I am no professional, I sure did enjoy it. But I enjoyed it more when I was at my peak. The problem was as I was a public speaker for a living (teachers are full-time public speakers) I ended up having 2 vocal surgeries in my 12 years of teaching. It threatened my ability to sing and I knew there was only one way to get it back: I had to back to basics: vocal warmups, intentional speaking (yes, even how I talked on a daily basis made a difference), sleep, tea, and lots and lots of repetition. Over the years, I’ve dreamt of getting on a stage again and singing for a crowd, but I know now, now that I am years out of practice, that it will take going back to the basics to get to the level I was at before. While I can sing pretty still, my range is shot and my voice isn’t as strong. It’s a muscle and I have to continually work it out, in order to get the outcome I desire. 🎶

When it comes to your health, you have to take the same focus. Maybe you had a good season of feeling on top of your game. You were living your healthiest life - that ideal rhythm and balance we all crave. But then, something throws you out of alignment and it can feel so discouraging, so defeating.

Going back to basics isn’t a sign of failure. It’s a sign of maturity, courage, and strength. It’s also a sure sign that you will fall back into that rhythm you once had much easier with your focus being on what got you to where you want to be once again.

So wherever you find yourself today, consider the basics of good health and YOUR BASICS that got you to your peak, and start building yourself back up - one habit at a time.

Need help getting started?

  • Drink more water

  • Move your body daily - try walking for 20 -30 minutes

  • Practice graditude

  • Make one mealtime your meal prep focus and do the best for the rest

  • Swap one fast food meal for one prepped meal from your local health foods store

  • Get a grocery delivery service like instacart, Misfits Market, Thrive, Wild Pastures, etc. (If you want discounts on the last 3 message me and I’ll hook you up!

  • Schedule one thing for fun each week to reduce stress.

  • Schedule a workout that you can’t cancel.

  • Pack your own lunch.

  • Get a workout or walking buddy.

  • Take your dog for a walk 2 times a day.

  • Swap out sugary drinks for sparkling water.

  • Limit your alcohol intake

  • Read for pleasure

These are just a few places to get started, but I know you determine the best place for you to begin. Go back to basics and you slowly start to recognize that healthy rhythm once again.

If you want help finding that balance again or maybe for the first time, that is EXACTLY what I get to do as a Nutrition Coach. Schedule your complimentary discovery call with me today!

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Cheers to a life.simply.balanced,

Jenni Sills

Click here for more information about my 1:1 coaching.

To learn more about my favorite healthy living product line click here.


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