5 Reasons You Aren’t Sticking to your Weight Loss Plan

And it has nothing to do with that cheeseckase on my plate!

Reach for the Stars ⭐️ they say! Set your mind to it and it will happen!  Are there any other dreamers out there?

I have been a dreamer my whole life! And while I don't plan to change that, I have had to wake up to reality multiple times to recognize that while a big dream is such a positive method of reaching my goals, I have to bring it back to reality and think of how I will practically get from point A to B.

KEY POINT: It's dreaming without small, practical steps, that can trip you up. Not the dream itself.

So many times, I hear clients tell me they want to lose a larger amount of weight. That they are finally ready to put in the work! But they aren’t sure what the “work” is that needs to be done and OFTEN, it’s the main ticket for success is NOT where they would start. 

First off, weight loss cannot be the main focus of any nutrition plan!

Yep, read that twice! ⬆️

Rather, the focus must be on the small practices day in and day out, that lead to sustained weight loss. 

Without recognition of how you reached a goal, you won't know how to sustain that new lifestyle. Furthermore, without a focus on entirely. It's honestly like driving with your headlights off or really dim, hoping that you'll make it to your destination. It’s risky!

So instead of making a GIANT claim to FINALLY DO THE THING, set yourself up for success. 

Instead of going from no weekly workouts to 6 days a week. Try joining a gym that has a class or 2 you enjoy and workout 2 days a week. Or find a friend to go walking with 3 times a week while your kiddos are at preschool. 

Instead of tossing out all the foods you deem “bad” and eating only salads and lean meats, try swapping your drive-throughs for the grocery store a few times a week.  Make healthier choices when you are picking up take-out, and notice how those changes make you feel. Are they sustainable? If so, you are likely to continue and see that change stack up!

👀Here are 5 Red Flags 🚩that you might be overreaching and burnout is around the corner! 

  1. Giving up everything and feeling completely limited

  2. Not having the right systems in place to help you achieve small steps

  3. Not having a support system lined up

  4. Choosing too easy of a target, so not enough progress is made

  5. Choosing a plan based on trends and what your best friend is doing

Now you can determine where to begin and the main focus is AWARENESS:

  • Are you eating consistently?

  • Are you snacking throughout the day? It adds up quickly!

  • Is there one meal you can begin to prep consistently?

  • Do you have a rotating menu?

  • Are you getting enough sleep?

  • Do you have a 5-minute action - something that takes you from inaction to action without too much stress or thought? 

  • Are you thinking on a continuum or expect perfection from yourself?

  • Are you getting enough protein?

  • Are you moving your body? How often and what types of exercise do you even like or tolerate?

Tracking one small practice at a time feels doable. You get that dopamine hit and WHAM! You are on track to seeing success. Once you see and feel that success, you are empowered and ready to try another one. Now, that practice of planning your meals now doesn’t feel so hard since you’ve been planning 1 mean a day already. It stacks up

So start small and you’ll win big!

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Cheers to a life.simply.balanced,

Jenni Sills

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