40 Practices to Enhance Your Health

Turning 40 just over a week ago had me thinking about my health and all I’ve learned over the last decade about living a balanced and healthy lifestyle.

So I decided to create a list of my top 40 Healthy Habits practices that enhance my life and I hope yours too! I’d love to hear which of these you have created a habit of and what suggestions you’re going to try! Comment below!⬇️

  1. Eat more whole foods.

  2. Cook at home as much as possible.

  3. Eat out a few times a week at places where you get to try dishes you wouldn’t make for yourself.

  4. Serve others! Give back where you can.

  5. Find B Corporations and other environmentally friendly brands for products you use daily.

  6. Find a workout buddy!

  7. Chew your food.

  8. Eat more fiber-rich foods.

  9. Eat until you’re 80% full.

  10. View food on a continuum.

  11. Play more.

  12. Do something new each month that scares you.

  13. Go on adventures.

  14. Date your spouse!

  15. Try Grounding - allowing your bare feet to come in contact with nature daily and especially when you’re traveling. This helps you feel, well GROUNDED, much easier and is helpful to reduce stress and improve your gut microbiome.

  16. Cuddle a pet.

  17. Go for a daily walk.

  18. In fact, add in a walk weekly with a friend.

  19. Switch one social event involving food to something with movement instead.

  20. Move more: try gardening, mowing your lawn, taking the stairs, biking to work, etc.

  21. Spoil yourself with a luxurious trip every year.

  22. Spoil yourself with an inexpensive trip every year.

  23. Practice daily gratitude.

  24. Discover and implement daily destressing habits that work for you like: journaling, emotional tapping, walking, box breathing, and more

  25. Schedule breaks in your day.

  26. Have a system for household chores and split the responsibility so you can live and work in a clean environment without the stress of it getting done.

  27. Don’t skip meals, especially breakfast.

  28. Listen to your body cues and give your body what it needs.

  29. Read for pleasure.

  30. Read to learn.

  31. Try a new hobby.

  32. Fail forward - in other words, accept failure and feedback, make changes and keep moving towards your goals.

  33. Explore new cities and areas near you - take day trips once a month!

  34. Get dolled up and love yourself just the way you are NOW.

  35. Spend time with people who light you up inside!

  36. Spend little to no time with those who bring you down. Other people’s opinions are not your business.

  37. Focus on what you can control and let go of controlling the rest.

  38. Take cold bursts at the end of your shower - it’s a great way to bring natural energy into your body and help burn fat!

  39. Shop at your local farmers’ markets when you can.

  40. Love yourself - completely and fully as you are now! Sure, there is always something we can improve, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t love and accept who you are in the process. We should never ARRIVE! Sure, we can reach new goals, but once there, you will find that you crave more! A deeper understanding, improved skill, etc. There’s always more to learn, so why not #41 - NEVER STOP LEARNING!

Helpful? Comment, Share & Subscribe!


Helpful? Comment, Share & Subscribe! 〰️

Cheers to a life.simply.balanced,

Jenni Sills

Click here for more information about my 1:1 coaching.

To learn more about my favorite healthy living product line click here.


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